Friday, January 18, 2019

Pre-Departure: Battle with Mr. 'What If...'

A week from tomorrow, I'll be flying off to Florence, Italy! Exciting right? 

      Well, the closer that adventure gets, the stronger my life long enemy, Mr. 'What If...' grows.  I don't know if you a have ever become as closely aquatinted with 'What If...' as I have, but let me tell you right now- the annoying bugger is definitely not someone to become BFF's with. This is usually what our conversations about my upcoming adventure look like: 

Me: Wow! Florence! I'm so excited!
What If: Oh you are? Well... what if:
     You forget to get all the official documents and get locked out of Italy
     You don't make any friends
     Your stuff gets damaged, stolen or lost
     YOU get damaged, stolen, or lost
     You waste this experience
     You're miserable the whole time
     You don't even get to go to Florence because your own GOVERNMENT can't get it's *stuff*        
                         together long enough to ensure safe air travel because it is still *SHUT DOWN*  (@realDonalTrump - I'm looking at you for that one buddy)

Now, in reading that list, intellectually, all of them except for the final one, could be considered a slight over-dramatization and speedy downward spiral. But, emotionally, the entire list of 'What If's...' presents very real worries that aren't going away. I realize I am being *slightly* dramatic about it all. I'm only going to be gone for four months. It's not that big of a deal. But these 'What If's...' are a very big deal to me right now, so I figured I'd share them with you.

The question is, am I going to let Mr. 'What If...' psych me out before I've even left? Or am I going to crush the bastard as soundly as I crushed that delicious meat lovers pizza I ate last night?

Thanks to my counselor, I've discovered a useful tool in winning this mental battle. Instead of ignoring the 'What If's...' in order to win, I simply have to change the kind of 'What If's' I listen to.
For example:

Me: Wow! Florence! I'm so excited!
What if: Oh you are? Well...what if:
     You over-prepare and have everything you need x3
     You make some closer, adventurous, wonderful friends
     You and your things make it through the experience in one piece
     You have a BLAST
     Your government sucks it up, stops throwing a very expensive temper tantrum, and starts                                                functioning properly again (still looking at you, Mr. Prez) 

As the struggle for a more positive inner narrative rages on, I continue to make ungodly amounts of lists and preparation for the upcoming adventure. Here's to hoping I don't loose my sanity in the process.

Until next time,


  1. Too've got this girl!!!!

  2. Hmmm... reminds me of a certain young lady who left her homeland security for Spain! Oh the stories we all heard!! Can't wait to read your updates. I would love to visit the country there one day!
