Sunday, January 27, 2019

Departure Shenanigans

    I don't know about you guys, but for me, the pre-departure is much more difficult than the actual departure. You see, once you've departed, you've started. The light has turned green, the gate has opened, the race has begun. There is no turning back. (Figuratively of course, one could always book a flight back home but that choice of action is simply too costly to even consider!)

    Pre-departure, however, holds all of the emotions, and those tricky buggars are truly a pain in the...rear. There is the anxiety of the unknown, stress of preparation, pangs of homesickness, and worst of all- the goodbyes. They rip at the heart strings. I know I struggled not to blubber like a baby when I was saying goodbye to amazing friends and family. Goodness knows I'd be a wreck if I was leaving for any longer than 15 weeks. 

    My travels went off with mostly no hitches. Of course, as per usual, I was pulled over by TSA-bless them. It's become a tradition that I have resigned myself to-- always being pulled over by TSA when I am traveling by myself. Apparently I strike a very dangerous figure. (Although the one time I *accidentally* brought pepper spray through security justified being pulled aside). Now, I'd hoped by adopting a more "good ole' American soccer mom" hair cut that I'd avoid such suspicion, but alas, I was caught yet again. Apparently, traveling with a pound (yes, one pound) of dark chocolate in your carry on is unusual? Well, what can I say. A girl needs her comfort food! 

    But.. there is a silver lining to my unfortunate adventures: my seven hour transatlantic flight (normally a horribly claustrophobic affair, being stuffed in those massive planes like oversized sardines) was quite pleasant! I truly lucked out and got an entire row to myself! And believe me, I made myself at home. It will probably be the closest I get to flying first class (i.e. flying with adequate leg room) for a very long time. It was also on this flight that I think I found the quote I wish to center these next few months around, courtesy of the charming movie/book "Eat, Pray, Love" :

"If you are brave enough to leave behind all those familiar comforts and truly set out on a truth seeking journey, whether externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, if you accept everyone along the way as a teacher, and, if you are prepared, most of all, to face ad forgive some very hard truths about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you. "

  I have made it safely to Florence and will write more about it later- mostly dead and exhausted but breathing. Let's see what this city has to offer! 


  1. Sounds exciting my precious girl! Don't forget to post pictures!!

  2. Great to hear that you arrived safely. Looking forward to reading your reflections and seeing the pictures that you will upload. Thank you so much for making this meaningful contribution to our Global Leadership classes! They will learn a lot through your experience in Italy.

  3. If it makes you feel any better, I was nearly strip-searched on my return during a layover in Iceland. Single Americans are very suspicious apparently!

  4. Leah! I got cold chills reading this, I hope you are having an amazing time so far and I look forward to following your journey!
