Pre-departure, however, holds all of the emotions, and those tricky buggars are truly a pain in the...rear. There is the anxiety of the unknown, stress of preparation, pangs of homesickness, and worst of all- the goodbyes. They rip at the heart strings. I know I struggled not to blubber like a baby when I was saying goodbye to amazing friends and family. Goodness knows I'd be a wreck if I was leaving for any longer than 15 weeks.
My travels went off with mostly no hitches. Of course, as per usual, I was pulled over by TSA-bless them. It's become a tradition that I have resigned myself to-- always being pulled over by TSA when I am traveling by myself. Apparently I strike a very dangerous figure. (Although the one time I *accidentally* brought pepper spray through security justified being pulled aside). Now, I'd hoped by adopting a more "good ole' American soccer mom" hair cut that I'd avoid such suspicion, but alas, I was caught yet again. Apparently, traveling with a pound (yes, one pound) of dark chocolate in your carry on is unusual? Well, what can I say. A girl needs her comfort food!
But.. there is a silver lining to my unfortunate adventures: my seven hour transatlantic flight (normally a horribly claustrophobic affair, being stuffed in those massive planes like oversized sardines) was quite pleasant! I truly lucked out and got an entire row to myself! And believe me, I made myself at home. It will probably be the closest I get to flying first class (i.e. flying with adequate leg room) for a very long time. It was also on this flight that I think I found the quote I wish to center these next few months around, courtesy of the charming movie/book "Eat, Pray, Love" :
"If you are brave enough to leave behind all those familiar comforts and truly set out on a truth seeking journey, whether externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, if you accept everyone along the way as a teacher, and, if you are prepared, most of all, to face ad forgive some very hard truths about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you. "
I have made it safely to Florence and will write more about it later- mostly dead and exhausted but breathing. Let's see what this city has to offer!